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Tourism is booming between China and U.S.iphone更新

DES MOINES, the United States, June 12 (Xinhua) -- Tourism between China and the United States is at its best time in history but more work is needed to sustain visitor flows, president of China Tourism Academy Dai Bin said at the U.S.-China Think Tank Symposium held here Monday.

As a bonus of the "2016 U.S.-China Tourism Year," the number of visitors between China and the United States hit a historical high of 5.3 million in 2016; there is a flight landing either in China or in the United States every 15 minutes.

U.S. statistics show that a total of 2.59 million Chinese traveled to the United States in 2016, spending 30.1 billion U.S. dollars. This accounts for 62 percent of the service export volume the U.S. provided to China.

It is expected that Chinese tourists to the United States will exceed three million this year, which will create 46,000 jobs directly and 230,000 indirectly for the country.

Meanwhile, China's National Tourism Administration (NTA) estimates that U.S. tourists spent 3,795 U.S. dollars per person in China in 2016, adding a total of 8.3 billion U.S. dollars to China's forex revenue. China has become the largest tourist destination in the Asian and the Pacific region for the United States.

"Tourism (between China and the United States) has not only contributed to the economic development of both countries but also to the boom of the world's tourism industry," Dai said.

Despite the flourishing tourism ties, Dai remains concerned.

Tourism is an industry sensible to natural disasters, public crisis incidents, terror attacks and shifting national sentiment, and deserves more attention than it receives.

Dai suggests that China and the United States build a stable tourism cooperation framework to guarantee the safety of tourists and quality of travel.

Compared to the Chinese people's understanding of the United States, the U.S. media, think tanks, education and tourist institutions are far behind in understanding China. For this reason, the NTA has launched a program called "China: Beyond your imagination," hoping to attract more people from all over the world, including the United States, to experience a different side of China.

On the other side, the U.S. government should pay better attention to Chinese customers who travel a long distance and have a different cultural background.

The China Tourism Academy has been surveying the gratification levels of Chinese tourists from 27 major destinations since the first quarter of 2013. In the past four years, the gratification of Chinese tourists for the United States stands at around 80 out of 100, higher than other destinations and only slightly lower than New Zealand and Singapore.

Chinese tourism groups and investment organizations say they are willing to cooperate with U.S. companies, although the United States has strengthened its scrutiny of foreign investment in recent years.

Dai expressed hope that U.S. departments will treat Chinese investors fairly, saying that doing so will strengthen both economies and boost jobs, at a time when the manufacturing industry is in regression.

Dai said he'd like to see the day when both Chinese and Americans can visit each other's countries visa free.

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